Item 4 - Performance of Grants Programme 2017-21 (G11/18)


At its meeting of 8 February 2017 Grants Committee agreed funding for 13 commissions under the following two priorities:
Priority 1 Combatting Homelessness
Priority 2 Tackling Sexual and Domestic Violence
Commissions were agreed for the period 2017 to 2021, subject to delivery, compliance with grant conditions and continued availability of resources. 
At its meeting of 6 July 2016 members of the Grants Committee agreed funding to six commissions under the following priority:
Priority 3 Tackling Poverty Through Employment. 
This Priority is funded by boroughs’ contributions to the Grants Programme of £3 million and matched by £3 million from the London Councils European Social Fund Programme under an agreement with the Greater London Authority. Commissions for this Priority were agreed in 2016 as the ESF timeframe is not aligned with that of the Grants Programme.
This report provides members with an update on the three priorities of the Grants Programme. 
For Priorities 1 and 2 this report presents an update for the period April 2017 to September 2018 (quarters one to six). For Priority 3 this report presents an update on delivery from October 2016 to September 2018. 


The Grants Committee is asked to: 
a)    Outcomes at priority level:
i)    Priority 1, combatting homelessness, overall is 16 per cent above profile for quarters one to six
ii)    Priority 2, tackling sexual and domestic violence, overall is on profile (a marginal 0.87 per cent above) for quarters one to six
iii)    Priority 3, tackling poverty through employment, overall is -59 per cent below profile for the period October 2016 to September 2018.
b)    The number of interventions delivered in the relevant periods:
i)    Priority 1, combatting homelessness - 34,570
ii)    Priority 2, tackling sexual and domestic violence - 184,970
iii)    Priority 3, tackling poverty through employment - 3,163
c)    At project level, using the Red, Amber, Green (RAG) performance management system (explained at Appendix 1):
i)    Priorities 1 and 2: all 13 projects are rated Green.  
ii)    Priority 3: for the purposes of performance management, all projects remain rated Red to ensure performance management actions support continuous improvements in delivery (Section 4). 
d)    Note the withdrawal of a partner from Priority 3 and actions to arrange service cover for the affected boroughs (paragraphs 4.6 to 4.10).
e)    Agree that options for using the underspend related to the withdrawal of a Priority 3 partner, are discussed with Grants Executive in February 2019, with any other identified underspend from Priority 3, for presentation and decision at full Grants Committee in March 2019 (paragraph 4.11).
f)    Note the progress on administration of £200,000 on behalf of the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime to enhance training to front-line professionals on identifying harmful practices (paragraph 3.15).
g)    Note the borough maps (Appendix 2), and actions to address issues with borough-level delivery (Section 6).
h)    For the mid-programme review:
i)    Note the discussions that have taken place with borough officers and commissions (Section 7), and
ii)    Agree that any proposed changes to the outcomes for the current 2017 to 2021 programme are discussed with Grants Executive in February 2019, in conjunction with options for deploying unspent grant from Priority 3, for presentation and decision at full Grants Committee in March 2019 (paragraphs 7.4 to 7.6).

Appendix 1 RAG Rating Methodology
Appendix 2 Priorities 1 and 2 Borough Maps 
Appendix 3 Project Delivery Information and Contact Details