Invitation To Tender R1016a: Survey of London School Leaders

R1016a: London School Leaders’ polling research

London Councils is committed to fighting for more resources for London and getting the best possible deal for London’s 33 councils. We lobby for local governance for London boroughs, promoting their leadership of local communities and services and argue for the tools necessary for them to do that job. We also act as a catalyst for effective sharing of practice, knowledge, information and services between boroughs.

Our Children and Young People policy team co-ordinates policy work and represents the interests of boroughs on a pan-London basis relating to all aspects of children's services. The aim of this lobbying role is to improve outcomes for all children and young people in the capital.

One of the team’s projects for 2016/17 is based around the theme of ensuring fair funding for schools and education which reflects London’s growing population and the boroughs’ leadership role.

London Councils is seeking to commission a survey of school leaders across London to gauge their views on current challenges facing the education system from budget cuts to recruitment shortages; as well as the potential impact of proposed wide ranging education reforms, such as the introduction of a National Formula Funding for schools and the plans to expand and create new grammar schools. 

Please send your submissions to Neeraj Sharma ( or 020 7934 9524) quoting reference number R1016a by 4pm, Friday, 18 November 2016


R1016a ITT London Councils Head Teacher polling (Word)

FOI Schedule (Word)

Equal Opportunities Questionnaire (Word)

Equal Opportunities Policy (PDF)

FAQs/Bidder enquiries

Answers to any tender queries will be published on this page in the FAQ document provided below, so please check at regular intervals between now and the closing date to see if additional questions have been answered.

We will aim to answer all queries within 1 working day and sooner where possible.

FAQs - R1016a 11 Nov 16 (Word)