Item 8 - London Councils Grants Scheme - Budget Proposals 2021/22 (LD8/20)

This report considers the proposed budget for the London Boroughs Grants Scheme for 2021/22 and makes a recommendation to the Committee on the appropriate level to recommend to constituent councils for approval. These proposals were considered by the Grants Committee at its meeting on 11 November. The Grants Committee agreed to recommend that the Leaders’ Committee approve these proposals.
The Leaders’ Committee is asked to agree:
an overall level of expenditure of £6.668 million for the Grants Scheme in 2021/22;
borough contributions for 2021/22 to fully cover the scheme should be £6.668 million;
that further to the recommendations above, constituent councils be informed of the Committee's recommendation and be reminded that further to the Order issued by the Secretary of State for the Environment under Section 48 (4A) of the Local Government Act 1985, if the constituent councils have not reached agreement by the two-thirds majority specified before 1 February 2021 they shall be deemed to have approved expenditure of an amount equal to the amount approved for the preceding financial year (i.e. £6.668 million);
that constituent councils be advised that the apportionment of contributions for 2021/22 will be based on the ONS mid-year population estimates for June 2019; 
that subject to the approval of an overall level of expenditure, the Committee agrees to set aside a provision of £435,000 for costs incurred by London Councils in providing staff and other support services to ensure delivery of the Committee’s “making of grants” responsibilities; and 
agree that a ‘response’ fund, funded through reserves, is used flexibly to support aspects of transition and recovery as proposed by the Grants Committee at its 11 November meeting. If agreed the Grants Executive will consider the detail of the response fund at its February 2021 meeting.