Item 5 - Director's Report with appendices (CAB17/19)


This report and the accompanying appendices provide a summary of Capital Ambition funded activity, including the procurement of London Ventures programme support, general London Ventures programme activity since May 2019, CAB’s Terms of Reference and changes to constitutional documents.


The Board is recommended to:

1. Note the contents of the report;
2. Note that the procurement of London Ventures programme support, Blue Prism and Oxygen Finance commercial deals were approved by the urgency procedure;
3. Note the constitutional changes that were agreed at the Leaders’ Committee AGM in July 2019;
4. Note that the GDPR addendum has been agreed and signed by all parties;
5. Approve the London Ventures 2019-20 delivery plan; and
6. Agree to attend a meeting in November 2019 to discuss the funding proposals for the London Ventures programme.