Item 14 - Commissioning Performance Management Framework: Grants Committee Reporting Plan 2017-18 (G12/17)


At its meeting on 8 February 2017, members of the Grants Committee agreed a revised Commissioning Performance Management Framework. The framework sets out how the 2017-21 Grants Programme will be managed to ensure it meets the principles of the programme, delivers value for money and reflects the needs of boroughs. The framework relates to all three Grants Programme priorities: 
    Priority 1: Combatting Homelessness
    Priority 2: Tackling Sexual and Domestic Violence
The third priority - Priority 3: Tackling Poverty through Employment - is managed following European Social Fund requirements. However, the principles of the framework and the majority of the processes outlined in the framework are the same for all the priorities, including performance monitoring and reporting to the Grants Committee. For Priority 3 this includes reporting against the agreed outcome targets for each borough.
This report provides further information on the framework in terms of the planned reporting to Grants Committee and other ways in which officers will ensure borough input and oversight.


Members are asked to:
1.    Agree the approach to reporting, which is based on the Commissioning Performance Management Framework (agreed by members in February 2017) and the draft reporting timetable outlined in Appendix One.
2.    Note in Section 2 the agreed improvements in performance reporting, which will in future include an annual Equalities Audit and report by borough, as well as thematic reviews to provide improved oversight of the outcomes and impact of the overall programme to Members and boroughs.   
3.    Discuss the suggestion to have the first thematic review at the November Grants Committee focused on No Recourse to Public Funds, how this issue is addressed through the programme and the wider context in London, as outlined in paragraph 3.3. Also discuss future ideas for thematic reviews.