Item 12 - Leadership in the Third Sector: The role of London Boroughs and London Councils (G13/16)


At its meeting of 9 march 2016 members of the Grants Committee agreed that officers develop a proposal to work with City Bridge Trust  on the implementation of the review into infrastructure support in London  (being undertaken by London Funders) and that this be reported to the next meeting of the Grants Committee in July 2016.

This paper accompanies a presentation by City Bridge Trust on the potential role for the London boroughs through London Councils in the implementation of findings from The Way Ahead- Civil Society at the Heart of London.
City Bridge Trust have sought the involvement of London Councils, on behalf of the boroughs,  to work in strategic partnership in the implementation of the report’s findings including providing leadership in the third sector  and in influencing the spend of a central pool of funding of independent funders. Because London Councils resources are attached to the administration of each priority, this role would require additional provision within the Grants Budget. 


Members are asked to,
1.    Note the presentation by City Bridge Trust
2.    Discuss what role the London local authorities and London Councils should play in leading the shaping of future of the third sector as outlined in section three.
3.    Agree that officers make provision in the 2017-18 budget proposals to be considered by the November meeting of Grants Committee for resources to cover London Councils officer time in this role as set out in section three