Item 5 - Behavioural Insights Report on Trials (CAB18/10)


This cover report introduces the final reports of the two randomised controlled trials approved by CAB at their meeting of July 2016. The trials were conducted in Croydon and covered:
•    Improving recycling rates; and
•    Recovery of housing benefit overpayment. 

Both trials were successful in changing behaviours and will leave a lasting legacy at the London Borough of Croydon. The Capital Ambition team will work with the BI team to disseminate the results such that other local authorities can benefit from this work. 


It is recommended that Board members:
a)    Receive the presentation from the BI team. 
b)    Note the results of the trials.
c)    Agree to dissemination of the results via the Capital Ambition team, through established professional networks.