Item 6 - Health and Social Care integration (CA11/17)


At its June 2015 meeting, the Capital Ambition Board (CAB) agreed in principle to provide up to £250,000 to support the development of new working arrangements for health, subject to the agreement of a detailed business case. An update on progress towards agreement of a more detailed business case was reported to the CAB in October 2015, when members reaffirmed the in principle commitment of financial support.
In February 2016, CAB considered a request to provide £100,000 to support work streams emerging from the Health and Care Devolution Agreement – an agreement between London and national partners.
This report provides an update on health and care devolution and invites the Board to comment on the propositions emerging from the five devolution pilot projects and agree to provide further financial support to assist London local government in the delivery of devolution.  


Members are recommended to:
a) Note and comment on the progress of the London health and care devolution pilots.
b) Confirm its decision at February 2016 CAB and provide up to £150,000 to assist London boroughs in the delivery of devolution commitments.