Item 4 - Business Rates Devolution and London Finance Commission (E13/9)


London Councils officers have continued to work closely with the GLA on a joint response to the government’s consultation on the 100% business rates retention. 

Work is progressing in the context of the reconvened London Finance Commission, which is due to report in time to influence the Autumn Statement. 

It is proposed that the joint consultation submission incorporates a set of “asks” of Government that would be necessary to implement the design principles agreed by Leaders and the Mayor in June. This report presents a draft summary of those asks and seeks Executive’s guidance on further work to finalise the draft response. Following discussion by the Executive,  it will be discussed further with the GLA, SLT & CELC and brought back to the Leaders Business Rates Working Group, along with more detailed papers covering the asks and the responses to the Government’s specific consultation questions, before final sign off by Group Leaders and the Mayor. 


The Executive is asked to note the contents of the report and comment on the draft summary response at Appendix A.