Item 6 - Performance of Grants Programme 2015/16 (Year 3), Q1-3 (G9/16)


This is London Councils’ officers’ quarterly report on the performance of the Grants Programme.  It covers the first three quarters of 2015/16, which is year three of the current funding cycle.  It sets out data on the performance of the programme and other performance-related information.

This report should be read in conjunction with the parallel report on the review of the Programme, which sets out boroughs’ and other stakeholders’ views on it.


1) The Committee is asked to note that:
a) At priority level, the outcomes for:
i) Priority 1 (homelessness) overall were 28% above profile in the first three quarters of 2015/16
ii) Priority 2 (sexual and domestic violence) overall were 9 % above profile in the first three quarters of 2015/16
iii) Priority 3 (ESF tackling poverty through employment) overall were 1% above profile at completion
iv) Priority 4 (capacity building) overall were 3% above profile in the first three quarters of 2015/16
b) This performance in the last three quarters means that the number of interventions delivered in the 11 quarters combined since the start of the programme is as follows:
i) Priority 1 (homelessness) – 54,950
ii) Priority 2 (sexual and domestic violence) – 196,162
iii) Priority 3 (ESF tackling poverty through employment) – 7,474 (Q1-10)
iv) Priority 4 (capacity building) – 13,710
c) At project level
i) In the red, amber, green (RAG) system, 23 projects are green and one is amber.  11 have no rating this quarter.  10 of these are the ESF projects that have completed.  One provider – Eaves – went into administration.  There is a proposal for meeting the continuing needs of users of the former Eaves service at item seven of this meeting.
ii) The direction-of-travel arrows show that the performance of five of the projects is falling (green).
iii) Officers would propose to concentrate performance management effort on the six projects that are rated amber and/ or whose direction-of-travel arrows are pointing down.  These are Stonewall Housing (1.1), Women in Prison (1.1 and 2.2), Women’s Resource Centre (2.5), Advice UK (4), Age Concern London (4).
d) The attached tables showing the outcomes of each priority in each borough in the first nine months of this financial year.  As part of the review of the programme, London Councils officers have provided more detailed tables – which show performance of each project in each borough to borough grants officers and specialist contacts for each of the four priorities of the programme