Item 9 - Review of Delivery of a London Grants Programme (L8/12)


The Grants Committee at its meeting on 18 November 2015 considered two reports, one reviewing the operation of the current grants programme, and the second relating to the review of the grants scheme going forward - both its continuation beyond the end of the current grants programme and, if it were to continue, the scale and scope of a future grants programme.  London Councils has undertaken a public consultation in 2015 to inform its decisions.  Officers set out the consultation findings and their analysis of them, the impact of the current grants programme, and should the scale and scope of a future grants programme be altered , the potential impact of that decision, including on addressing inequality.  Having regard to the matters set out in the report on the review of the grants scheme, a motion was tabled and moved by the Chair, and seconded by Cllr Carr.  The motion was passed by the Committee.  Since the Grants Committee considered this matter, HM Government has on 25 November delivered an Autumn Spending Review and Funding Statement, which confirms the Government’s intention to significantly and further reduce funding to local authorities. This report contains proposals for implementing this decision of the Grants Committee.


It is recommended that the Leaders’ Committee:
1.    Consider the evidence and analysis presented to the Grants Committee on 18 November and the Committee’s recommendations as to the future scale and scope of a grants programme after the end of the current programme in March 2017.
2.    Agree that London Councils should undertake a further, limited consultation to further inform the Leaders’ Committee decision at its meeting in March 2016 as to the future scale and scope of a grants programme beyond the end of the current programme. 
3.    Concur with the Grants Committee that London Councils’ officers should work to strengthen programme management and relationships with boroughs at a local level, in particular, to provide more detailed reports on performance by borough, sharing them with borough officers, to support the management of each priority and delivery of outcomes.