Item 5 - Constitutional matters - Amendments to LC Standing Orders and the Capital Ambition Board terms of reference (L8/12)


This report asks Leaders’ Committee to agree some minor amendments to London Councils’ Standing Orders, sets out a proposed revised Capital Ambition Board Terms of Reference (ToR) and proposes a new set of Capital Ambition Board meeting dates. 
The Standing Orders have been revised to ensure they reflect good governance. The ToR has been revised to ensure that they are in line with London Councils’ Standing Orders and best practice. There have also been minor amendments and refinement to the priorities for investment, purpose and membership of the Board to more accurately reflect the Board’s activities. A revised set of meeting dates for the Capital Ambition Board have been proposed by the Chair and these are set out in this report for Leaders’ Committee approval. 
Under London Councils’ governance arrangements, London Councils’ Standing Orders can be amended by a decision of London Councils’ Leaders’ Committee. Amendments to the ToR and meeting dates for the Capital Ambition Board require Leaders’ Committee approval.


Leaders’ Committee is asked to: 
1.    Agree to the recommended amendments to London Councils’ Standing Orders, as detailed in Appendix 1
2.    Agree to the proposed amendments to Capital Ambition’s terms of reference 
3.    Agree the new Capital Ambition Board meeting dates.