Item 7. Revised Freedom Pass Progress Report (T15/10)

This report provides Members with a general progress update on the Freedom Pass scheme. It covers the final outturn of the 2015 re-issue, findings of an external review of the same, as well as providing information on the introduction of on-line applications for first-time applicants. Finally, it looks forward to the 2016 re-issue.

Members are asked to:

  1. Note that from 7 October 2015, 2015 renewals will be dealt with through business as usual procedures, rather than through the processes set up specifically for the bulk re-issue.
  2. Encourage boroughs to share data with London Councils for future bulk renewals as a means to reduce cost and increase customer satisfaction.
  3. Note the introduction of new application process for first time Freedom Pass applicants.
  4. Members are asked to agree the the outlined approach for the 2016 re-issue;

Consider  transferring a sum from the Committee’s general reserve to a specific reserve to start accumulating funds to cover the cost of the 2020 bulk re-issue, as detailed in paragraph 48.