Publication scheme

A guide to the information that we routinely publish.

London Councils’ publication scheme is a guide to the information that we routinely publish in fulfilment of our obligations under section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

London Councils has adopted the Information Commissioner’s model publication scheme.

Information classification

Who We Are and What We Do

The About Us section of our website provides an overview of our work and structure.

Information regarding London Councils’ committee and sub-committee structure and London Councils' networks is available on the Committees section of our website.

Contact information

The address of London Councils’ office and the main telephone number is published at the bottom of each page on our website.

Contact details the services we provide can be found on the contact us page of our website.

Constitutional information

Please see the 'Constitution and protocols' section of our website, which contains links to the key constitutional documents which guide the way that London Councils functions.

Relationships with other authorities

The 'Who we are' section of our website includes information about London Councils’ relationships with other organisations.

Geographical area of operation

The 'Who we are' section of our website includes information about London Councils’ geographical area of operation, which is London’s 32 borough councils and the City of London.

What we spend and how we spend it

Summary of revenue budget estimates

Revenue budgets and in year monitoring are reported regularly to leaders’ committee, transport and environment committee and grants committee. The papers and minutes for these committees can be searched in our committee meetings section.

Annual statement of accounts

London Councils’ annual statements of accounts for the past three years.

Annual Audit Letter and financial audit reports

The annual audit letters and financial audit reports for the past three years.

This information is regularly reported to London Councils’ audit committee. The papers and minutes for these committees can be searched in our committee meetings section.

Staff pay and grading structure

The salaries of senior London Councils staff.

Further information regarding staff pay and grading structure is available upon request. Please email

Staff allowances and expenses

Registers of gifts and hospitality

London Councils’ expenses policy is available as a part of our financial regulations.

Registers of expenses claimed by London Councils staff are available upon request. Please email

Remuneration of Councillors for their work for London Councils

Remuneration paid to London Councils’ Members.

Procurement procedures

London Councils’ financial regulations. This includes a procurement toolkit.

Current and recent invitations to tender. This only for those instances of procurement which are large enough to require a tendering process in line with London Councils’ financial regulations.

List of contracts and values

Further details about contracts are available upon request. Please email

London Councils grants scheme

Full details of the grants awarded by London Councils grants scheme is available on our website.

Internal financial regulations and delegated authority

London Councils’ financial regulations.

What are our priorities and how are we doing

Strategic plan, business plan, aims and objectives

London Councils’ business plans outline London Councils’ objectives and targets for the year ahead.

Strategies developed in partnership with other authorities

Please see the committee meetings section.

Performance Reports

Read London Councils’ annual reviews.

Progress on policy is reported to the transport and environment committee. Reports regarding the performance of London Councils’ services are also brought to the transport and environment committee.

The papers for that committee are published on the committees section.

Statistical information

Parking and traffic enforcement statistics and parking and traffic appeal statistics for London boroughs and Transport for London.

Blue Badge scheme statistics are published by the Department for Transport.

Statistics for our services are also occasionally reported to the transport and environment committee. The papers for that committee are published on the committees section.

The main Freedom Pass statistics are included each year in reports to the December meeting of the transport and environment committee

The concessionary fares settlement and apportionment report and the annual TEC revenue and borough charges report.

How we make decisions

Schedule of Member meetings and meetings open to the public

A full list of London Councils' forthcoming meetings

Agendas, officers’ reports, background papers and minutes of committees, sub-committees and standing forum meetings please see the committees section for copies of the agendas, reports, papers and minutes for the meetings of London Councils' committees.

Facts and analyses of facts used for decision making

Facts and analyses of facts used for decision making are included in the papers that are discussed by London Councils’ committees.

Public consultations

Public consultations are not conducted by London Councils unless in the context of service delivery which will be advertised by services individually.

Terms of reference for decision making

Please see the terms of reference and standing orders for London Councils’ committees, both of which are available on our website.

The decisions which are delegated to London Councils officers are listed in the scheme of delegation to officers.

Our policies and procedures

Corporate Governance policies and procedures

London Councils has a range of Corporate Governance policies and procedures.

  • Declaration and registration of interests procedure 
  • Gifts and hospitality protocol
  • Member and officer relations policy
  • Members rights of access to information policy
  • Policy to combat fraud, bribery and corruption
  • Relations between party groups, political advisors, and London Councils
  • Scheme of delegation to officers
  • Whistleblowing policy

Policies and procedures about the recruitment and employment of staff

Information about current vacancies.

London Councils has the following policies on recruitment and employment. These are available upon request. Please email

  • Adoption leave
  • Annual leave
  • Capability procedure
  • Career break framework
  • Code of conduct
  • Dignity at work policy
  • Disciplinary procedure
  • Domestic violence policy
  • Drug and alcohol misuse policy
  • Equal opportunities policy
  • Financial terms for redundancy
  • First aid provision at work policy
  • Flexible working framework
  • Grievance procedure
  • Health and safety policy
  • HIV/AIDS policy
  • Information security policy
  • Maternity handbook
  • No smoking at work policy
  • Organisational change management framework
  • Parental leave policy
  • Paternity leave policy
  • Pension policy – employer’s discretions
  • Performance appraisal scheme
  • Probation guidelines
  • Records management guidelines

Customer service

London Councils’ complaints procedure.

Any complaints concerning requests for information, or about this publication scheme, are dealt with under our Freedom of Information policy.

Records management and personal data policies

London Councils has the following policies relating to information management.

  • Data Protection policy
  • Freedom of Information policy

For further information about records management and data security at London Councils, please contact

Lists and registers

Asset lists and registers

London Councils does not have a capital asset register.

Registers open to public inspection 

The London Tribunals appeals service maintains a register of all appeals. The register is also open to public inspection at the hearing centre.

Disclosure logs

A register of councillors’ financial and other interests is available upon request. Please email

Registers of gifts and hospitality for officers and members of London Councils are available on our website.

The services we offer

Information about the provision of the authority's services

Information about the provision of London Councils services is available on the 'Services' section of the website.

Press releases

Our news and press releases are published on the website.

How can I access information which is not included in the publication scheme?

If you wish to request information which is not already published on our website through our publication scheme, please email or write to us at:

Freedom of Information
Corporate Governance
London Councils
4th Floor, 12 Arthur Street
London EC4R 9AB

When making your request you should include:

  • Your name
  • An email or postal address where you can be contacted
  • A detailed description of the information you want

Does it cost to access the information?

It does not cost to access the majority of the information published through the scheme. Where there is a fee for information, it will be specified in the scheme.

Hard copies of the information can be requested by emailing the Corporate FOI Officer: We reserve the right to make a charge for printing and postage.

Can I use the information as I wish?

London Councils holds the copyright to the information available through this scheme unless otherwise indicated. You are not allowed to reuse the information in a way that would infringe that copyright, for example, by making and issuing copies or by publishing the information, unless London Councils has given you permission in writing.

Brief extracts of any of the material may be reproduced under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (sections 29 and 30) for the purposes of research for non-commercial purposes, private study, criticism, review and news reporting, subject to an acknowledgement of the copyright owner.

Who do I contact about the publication scheme?

If you have any queries, comments or suggestions about our Publication Scheme, please contact London Councils’ Corporate FOI Officer:

If you wish to make a complaint about our publication scheme, please email us at the above address, and we will try to resolve the problem in the first instance. If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may appeal to the Information Commissioner.

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