London's Voice

Find out how we ensure that London speaks as one voice to deliver for its residents.

As the collective of London local government, we provide a shared voice for all Londoners. 

Street with a Tradicional Red Phone Boxes near Covent Garden, London

Promoting London 

We work to ensure that the London local government perspective is a key part of policy development at a national level. We regularly organise ministerial meetings and senior official discussions and are an active participant at party conferences. We make representations to central government on behalf of London boroughs to ensure that London receives its fair share of funding.

Through the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for London, we provide secretariat to a forum for MPs and Peers to work together on a cross-party voice for London in Parliament.

Furthering Devolution

We believe that local authorities are best placed to deliver for their communities, level-up deprived areas and boost the UK economy. This is why we continuously make the case to parliament for greater devolution of funding and decision making to local authorities.

A trusted partner

We work as a trusted partner across a range of issues where the Mayor, other pan-London bodies and central government seek to establish dialogue with all of London’s boroughs collectively. We also act as a focal point for representing borough interests, informed by our political and professional networks.

We are the central coordinating body between the boroughs, emergency services and the GLA on issues around resilience and responding to major events.

Beyond London

It is also important to us that we collaborate and work with organisations and communities outside London. The success of London and the country as a whole are mutually intertwined. That is why we work closely with organisations such as the Local Government Association (LGA) and Core Cities UK to develop a collective voice for local government across the country. 

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