GLPC job evaluation scheme
The scheme was developed to support local authorities in carrying out their obligations under the national agreement on single status.
The scheme was developed to support local authorities in carrying out their obligations under the national agreement on single status. The job evaluation scheme was the subject of consultation with the Equal Opportunities Commission.
The scheme is accompanied by a code of good practice and a framework procedure to inform local arrangements. The scheme is used by nearly all the London boroughs and many other local authorities and voluntary sector bodies. If organisations wish to discuss the GLPC scheme with any of these users we will happily provide contact details.
The scheme can be operated as a paper exercise or can be supplemented by one of two computer applications. Job Evaluation Manager (JEM) is a computer-assisted package that manages evaluation data, automates the calculation of evaluation points and grade, and allows the rapid retrieval of management information reports.
If you wish to find out more about job evaluation itself, ACAS have published a useful guide - Job evaluation: considerations and risks. The booklet focuses on the preparation period before embarking on job evaluation. It is a useful resource for helping organisations to answer some early questions when thinking about job evaluation:
- What is job evaluation?
- Why should you consider carrying out job evaluation in your workplace?
- How do you prepare for job evaluation?
Separately, a fully computerised expert system is available from Zellis (previously known as Northgate Arinso). The system uses an on screen questionnaire to analyse jobs and applies rules to automatically evaluate. The system features many analysis, verification, and management reporting functions. For contact details please contact Debbie Williams (
London Councils offers a range of evaluation services. We understand that most organisations will wish to implement the scheme locally.
Our two-day training programme ensures that users are fully conversant with the methods of evaluation and have an opportunity to practise before applying the scheme.
For those organisations that do not wish to carry out evaluations in-house, London Councils will act as consultants and provide a bureau service.
Our services are priced to reflect a continuing commitment to quality, equality and effectiveness. For those who wish to use the scheme in-house, there is a one-off licence fee, training is charged separately, and an ongoing advisory service is available to assist implementation. Due to the requirement to purchase a licence the full scheme is not available to download.
We can provide licensed users with advice on developing local conventions to support the application of the scheme as well as guidance on ensuring the local implementation arrangements are “equality proof”.
For further details on our job evaluation services, please contact or