They may carry extra penalties if not paid or contested promptly. In order to qualify for a discount, payment must be received by the council within 14 days (or 21 days for CCTV PCNs). A payment slip should accompany the PCN – if you wish to pay but have lost the payment slip contact the council.
The PCN will show the alleged contravention, plus the date, time and location. If you feel that it was incorrectly issued, or that there are special circumstances in your case, you should write to the council at the advised address. They may cancel the PCN or turn down your case and inform you of your rights to take the matter further. If you write to the council promptly, they will usually give you another opportunity to pay at the reduced rate if they turn down your case.
If you wish to preserve your right to appeal against the PCN you should not pay the penalty. Paying the penalty will result in the case being closed.
If the PCN was issued on the street by a CEO, and you are not the registered keeper of the vehicle, then the keeper will receive a Notice to Owner (NtO) demanding full payment of the penalty. Postal PCNs are automatically sent to the registered keeper so no NtO needs to be issued.