Disabled persons Freedom pass renewals

Find out more about the renewal process for expired or expiring disabled person's Freedom Passes.

Find out more about the renewal process for expired or expiring disabled person's Freedom Passes.

Disabled Person's Freedom Pass holders who currently hold a 31 March 2024 expiry card should note that your borough has sent out letters to those pass holders who need to confirm their continued eligibility for the scheme.

The majority of renewed passes have now been sent out to those who have completed their reassessment.  If you remain eligible for the scheme, your renewed Disabled Person's Freedom Pass will be posted to your home address.

However, if you did not receive a letter, or if you have not received your renewal pass, please contact your local borough directly for assistance. Please note that this may be the case if you have moved borough and have not advised them of your change of address.

Important Information

The expiry date on the Freedom Pass is the lifespan of the card itself.  Disabled Person's passes are only valid for as long as the pass holder meets the eligibility criteria for the scheme. From time to time issuing boroughs may decide to review individuals’ eligibility for the scheme. If they find a pass holder is no longer eligible, or if they write to a pass holder to reassess eligibility and the pass holder does not respond, their pass can be cancelled. 

Frequently asked questions

My address has changed since I received my last pass

If your address has changed please contact your new local borough to discuss the renewal of your Disabled Person's Freedom Pass.

What should I do with my existing pass?

Carry on using your existing pass until you receive your new pass. Once you have your new pass you should start using it straight away and destroy your old one. Do not return your current pass.

I have an Older Person's Freedom Pass - what do I need to do to renew it?

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