Delivering for Tenants: The Foundations of an Effective Local Authority Landlord Service

The Delivering for Tenants: The Foundations of an Effective Local Authority Landlord Service report has been developed by the London Housing Directors’ Group, with support from London Councils, as a tool to assist councils in delivering high-performing landlord services.

The report sets out London Housing Directors’ views, developed in consultation with tenants and key stakeholders, on the principles that should underpin a good quality local authority landlord service, from strategic leadership to front line delivery.

The principles set out are aspirational and go beyond regulatory requirements. The report also includes an accompanying self-assessment assurance framework to monitor progress against achieving these ambitions. It provides a practical toolkit that local authorities and social landlords can use to measure their progress against the standards set out across five foundations: vision and strategy, leadership, management, performance and compliance, and assurance.

The report comes ahead of a changing regulatory system, with proactive regulation and new consumer standards expected to be introduced in 2024. It was funded by the UK Government via the Local Government Association’s Housing Advisers Programme and developed with consultancy support from Savills.

London local authorities are determined to ensure that, collectively, we raise standards within the social housing sector and that the needs of our tenants are being met.

You can download the Delivering for Tenants Assurance Framework here.

Feedback on the report can be sent to