What is happening with 17+ participation, attainment and progression in London?

  • By admin

The quality of 17+ participation in the English education and training system is becoming a key indicator of its ability to promote sustained educational participation up to age of 18 in an era of Raising the Participation Age (RPA). Just staying-on post-16 for a short period is not enough. As more young people continue in education and training at 16, so the duration and quality of their post-16 participation and the degree to which they can add value to their pre-16 attainment levels becomes increasingly important for them personally as well as a key measure of system success. It is vital that young Londoners are supported to stay on in a meaningful course of study not just for one year post-16, but for two or even three in order to equip them to progress to either higher study or employment.

Three detailed research reports from the Institute of Education explore these issues more deeply and identify the risk factors affecting the participation, retention and attainment of young people 17+, and the strategies for mitigating those risks.

The key issues, risk factors and strategies from these detailed reports have been brought together in an overarching summary report that highlights the key findings from the entire research programme and makes recommendations to address those findings.

Summary report: 17+ participation, attainment and progression in London. Key findings and recommendations

Paper 1: What is happening with 17+ participation, attainment and progression in London? Paper 1: Schools in London

Paper 2: What is happening with 17+ participation, attainment and progression in London? Paper 2: Report 2: Risk factors and strategies to support students in schools

Paper 3: What is happening with 17+ participation attainment and progression in London? Paper 3: Colleges in London