Item 9 - London Councils Draft Business Planning 2020/21 (L24/20)

This paper sets out the main text of London Councils’ draft Business Plan for 2020/21.  The content of this is at Appendix One which summarises the discussions which have taken place with Executive portfolio holders, shadow portfolio holders and collectively by the London Councils Executive on 3rd March.
Clearly, the bulk of the content was developed before the COVID-19 issue was fully in sight.  The Business Plan will need to adjust to take account of COVID-19 related activity and this may also have some consequential impact on the pipeline of some other activities.
Appendix 1 reflects the priorities that have emerged from discussions with Executive members and shadow portfolio holders, as well as via collective discussion by the London Councils Executive.  Clearly, in finalising this and delivering the business plan, work will be done to ensure that value is added to individual items by bringing activity together under the over-arching themes that underpin London Councils work, including:
• Resourcing London
• Devolution and Reform of London’s public services
• Shaping London and its localities
• Supporting London to deliver
• Influencing and strengthening London local government’s wider contribution.
In addition, the content has explicitly sought to reflect the Pledges to Londoners previously agreed by Leaders’ Committee.
• Leaders’ Committee is asked to note the main text of the draft London Councils Business Plan for 2020/21 at Appendix One and, subject to any final comments, approve is adoption.