Item 16 - London Councils Policies and Protocols which apply to Leading Members (L4/19)

There are a number of London Councils policies and protocols which apply to Members who undertake leading roles on behalf of London local government through London Councils.
These are:
- Declaration and Registration of Interests protocol;
- Gifts and Hospitality protocol;
- Member and Officer Relations protocol;
- Members’ Rights of Access to Information protocol;
- Note on Securing Political Sign-off;
- Guidance on the Use of the Urgency Procedure;
- Media Protocol;
- Party Group/Political Adviser/London Councils Relations protocol;
- Whistleblowing policy;
- Combatting Fraud, Bribery and Corruption policy.
Also included with this report is a codification of London Councils working conventions. 
That Leaders’ Committee notes these policies and protocols and the   codification of working conventions.