Item 6 - Priority 3: Options for anticipated underspend (G20/19)

The Priority 3 strand of the 2017-2021 London Councils Grants Programme – Tackling poverty through employment – will complete at the end of June 2019.
Despite efforts to address delivery challenges, which have been reported to Grants Committee, the programme will under-deliver against the original targets set (both activity and financial). Based on the delivery profile to-date, the programme is estimated to outturn on completion at £3,019,000; half this value is attributable to the Grants programme. Considering management and administrative costs (see Financial Implications), it is projected that £1,135,000 will be returned to the Grants Programme once Priority 3 has completed.
Following a meeting of the Grants Committee Executive on 7 February 2019 (papers for the meeting) to discuss choices, this paper presents options to the Grants Committee for deploying the underspend, namely:
- Commission additional activity with existing commissions delivering across Priority 1 and Priority 2, to address the needs of London residents impacted by no recourse to public funds (sections 3 and 4)
- hold the underspend in reserves to allow the Grants Committee more time to consider the redeployment of funds (section 5)
- return funds to the boroughs through a one-off repatriation from reserves in 2020-21 (section 5).
Grants Committee is asked to:
a) discuss and consider the options presented in this paper
b) recommend an option to Leaders Committee (April 2019) for approval
c) task officers with undertaking the necessary actions to implement the agreed option.