Item 9 - London Councils Priorities and Draft Business Plan for 2019/20 (E26/19)

This paper sets out the consolidated position around the work to establish a set of London Councils’ priorities through to 2022 and an outline of the Business Plan for 2019/20.
(1) The Executive is asked to note and endorse the process for taking forward and communicating the London Councils’ priorities to 2022 and to note the process for agreeing the Business Plan 2019/20.
(2) The Executive is asked to give some further consideration to challenges in relation to delivering on pledges, as well as encouraging their adoption among all member boroughs and the best means of reporting progress against them to Leaders’ Committee by boroughs.
(3) The Executive is asked to give a view on the proposition to feature one group of pledges at each Leaders’ Committee meeting to review progress on fulfilling those pledges. This should allow all of the pledges to be considered in this way over each twelve month period through to 2022.