Item 4 - Strengthening local and collective resilience: Local Authorities Panel Implementation Plan (L10/18)


Leaders’ Committee received the report of an independent Peer Challenge, on London’s collective resilience arrangements at its meeting in February 2018 and went on to agree that the London Resilience Forum - Local Authorities’ Panel would oversee implementation of the recommendations emerging from the Challenge.  
There was an expectation that: 
a)    The Panel would work up a detailed implementation plan, which would be reported to Leaders’ Committee in summer 2018. 
b)    A progress report on implementation would be brought to Leaders’ Committee in 2019.

The Panel has prepared a detailed implementation plan, which is attached as Appendix A.  The plan integrates the recommendations of the Panel’s earlier review (known as EP2020 and reported to Leaders’ Committee in 2017), which underpins the peer review’s recommendations.  


Leaders’ Committee is asked to:
1.    Receive the Local Authorities’ Panel integrated implementation plan. This is attached as Appendix A 
2.    Confirm the expectation that Leaders’ Committee will receive an annual review of progress in respect of this plan, starting in 2019. 
3.    Note the paper summarising national guidance on  role of Leaders and Members in emergency planning, attached as Appendix B.