Item 7 - Leadership in the Third Sector (G21/18)


At its meeting of 23 November 2016, the Grants Committee agreed that London Councils officers should:
1. Accept City Bridge Trust’s invitation to work with them in a strategic partnership and with other major stakeholders to ensure boroughs’ intelligence was represented in decisions on independent funding of voluntary sector infrastructure
2. Work with London Funders and other stakeholders on the implementation of the review into infrastructure, The Way Ahead - Civil Society at the Heart of London.
This was set out in a detailed work plan which was agreed by the Grants Committee. This report provides a third and final update on progress on this area of work, summarising the key achievements over the year and outlining the next steps in the wider area of work. This approach was endorsed by the Third Sector Leadership Sub-Committee at their meeting on 27 February 2018.


Members are asked to:

1. Endorse the direction of travel against the agreed workplan, noted in section 2 of this report and summarised at Appendix 1, and the draft outcomes of the Cornerstone Fund at Appendix 2.
2. Note the examples of local practice in commissioning the third sector and funding of civil society infrastructure support in Appendix 3.
3. Endorse the recommended Principles for Good Commissioning in Appendix 4 (to be taken forward by the Borough Grants Officers group)
4. Note the Communications Plan, which has been used to disseminate information and learning from the Leadership in the Third Sector workplan in Appendix 5
5. Endorse the steps which will be taken to continue this work. In particular, that from April 2018, the Strategy Director as a Trustee of London Funders, will maintain a direct link for the role of London Councils going forward