Item 6 - Recommendations of the Homes for Londoners Board construction skills sub-group (L6/18)


London needs a significant increase in its skilled construction workforce to meet the need for new homes. A sub-group of the Mayor’s Homes for Londoners Board, chaired by Cllr Peter John with the close involvement of Mayor Sir Steve Bullock, investigated how this could be achieved and has made a series of recommendations, some of which are specifically addressed to boroughs. Over the coming months a Construction Skills Advisory Group, led by Cllr John, will be considering how to take forward these recommendations. This report is an opportunity to bring these recommendations to the attention of Leaders and gather initial feedback on boroughs’ views on any future approach to their implementation.


    Leaders’ Committee is asked to:
•    Note the recommendations of the Homes of Londoners construction skills sub-group, paying particular regard to those directly addressed to boroughs and London Councils and the recommendations regarding a new approach to local labour and section 106 requirements
•    Discuss how these recommendations could best be implemented across the capital