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Londoners' views on climate change in 2023

London Councils is now in the fourth year of polling Londoners views on climate change and its impacts. By undertaking this survey annually, we can build our understanding and identify trends in opinions on the issue.

Top findings

Top findings from polling by London Councils in September 2023 show:

90% of Londoners are motivated to help prevent climate change, with high motivation across all age groups 
84% of Londoners say they are concerned about climate change
73% of Londoners think the cost-of-living crisis has made it more difficult to take action 
68% of Londoners say their level of concern has increased over the past 12 months 
Slightly more people (29%) now think that their local council has a role in tackling climate change than when we started the polling in 2020 (24%)

Making sustainable choices 

The survey has highlighted that Londoners are already undertaking sustainable choices, such as commuting by public transport and recycling old clothes and electronics, with 65% of Londoners saying that climate change affects their day-to-day decision making.

For example, 33% of Londoners say they have taken action to insulate their home, and 25% have switched to a renewable tariff. Unsurprisingly, cost is a key barrier to action in many areas, including in buying an electric vehicle, installing solar panels and heat pumps, and insulating homes. Preference is also a key issue in things like not reducing meat intake, walking and cycling more, using public transport, and buying second hand clothes.

You can find full breakdowns for how many Londoners are currently taking sustainable choices across food, transport, energy/heating and consumer choices, alongside barriers to action, in the report below.  


Working in partnership

Is it vital that we work in partnership to transform London into a city that is greener, more equal, healthy and sustainable for all of London’s diverse communities. London boroughs are leading the way in ensuring climate action is taking place in local communities, helping to bring about a greener, cleaner, healthier London from the ground up. We know that investment in climate action helps drive down people’s bills, improves the country’s energy security, and benefits the growth of the economy through green businesses and jobs. 

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