Have you received an email or a letter asking you to confirm your current address?
The deadline to respond to the Freedom Pass address review has now passed. If you received an email or a letter and have not yet responded, your Freedom Pass may be cancelled.
What do I do now?
If you are still eligible for the Freedom Pass scheme and your permanent sole or principal address is within a London borough, please send proof of address to:
Freedom Pass Address Review
PO Box 6623
DD11 9AZ
Once your address has been verified a new pass will be posted to you, at a cost of £14, because your current card may have been cancelled.
What documents do we need?
We need proof of address documents that must be either the current document or dated within 3 months, or it will not be accepted. The documents must be in your name.
- Current council tax bill/letter/payment book
- Current council/housing association rent book/statement/letter/tenancy agreement
- Current television licence
- Residential utility bill/letter/online statement printout (excluding mobile phone bills) dated in the last 3 months
- HM Revenue and Customs letter dated in the last 3 months
- Department for Work and Pensions letter dated in the last 3 months
- Occupational pension letter dated in the last 3 months
Please note that we do not accept bank letters/statements or mobile phone bills as proof of address.
More information can be found on the Freedom Pass frequently asked questions document below.