Our Staff

Chief Executive 
Alison Griffin
Tel: 020 7934 9509
Email: alison.griffin@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Strategy Director: London's Future & Places
Piali Das Gupta
Tel: 020 7934 9739
Email: piali.dasgupta@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Strategy Director: London's Communities 
Yolande Burgess
Tel: 020 7934 9739
Email: yolande.burgess@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Strategy Director: Local Government Finance & Improvement
Paul Honeyben
Tel: 020 7934 9748
Email: paul.honeyben@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Director: Communications & Public Affairs
James Odling-Smee
Tel: 020 7934 9750
Email: james.odling-smee@londoncouncils.gov.uk 


C.O.O. & Director: Transport and Mobility
Stephen Boon
Tel: 020 7934 9951
Email: stephen.boon@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Director: Corporate Resources
David Sanni
Tel: 020 7934 9704
Email: david.sanni@londoncouncils.gov.uk

Previous structure charts

London's Future and Places is helping to shape London’s future and tackle London’s inequalities working will all the boroughs to develop policy on climate change and transport; housing, regeneration & planning; economy and culture.

Head: Housing and Planning
Alex Sewell
Tel: 020 7934 9572
Email: alex.sewell@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Head: Transport, Environment and Infrastructure
Katharina Winbeck
Tel: 020 7 934 9945
Email: katharina.winbeck@londoncouncils.gov.uk 


Head: Strategic Lead: Enterprise, Economy and Skills
Dianna Neal
Tel: 020 7934 9819
Email: dianna.neal@londoncouncils.gov.uk 

London's Communities provides strategic direction for London's boroughs, communities and stakeholders focusing on health and adult social services, children's services, and the services provided as part of our programme of grant funding.

Strategic Lead: Health and Adult Services
Clive Grimshaw
Tel: 020 7934 9830
Email: clive.grimshaw@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Head: Strategic Policy Group
Doug Flight
Tel: 020 7934 9805
Email: doug.flight@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Head: Children's Services
Caroline Dawes
Tel: 020 7934 9793
Email: caroline.dawes@londoncouncils.gov.uk 


UK Shared Prosperity Fund Project Manager
Samara Armitt
Tel: 020 7934 9789
Email: samara.armitt@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Programme Director: London Innovation & Improvement Alliance
Ben Byrne
Email: ben.byrne@londoncouncils.gov.uk

London Councils’ work on local government finance policy, improvement and research. Working with and on behalf of the London boroughs, the teams produce research and analysis, briefings and consultation responses, which are used to influence government thinking on all aspects of local government finance. The improvement work includes support for the Self-Improvement Board, the Chief Executive and Treasurer peer support programmes, oversight of the London Leadership Programme and delivery of a performance benchmarking data tool for the boroughs. The Research function commissions around 10 research projects per year to support the wider policy development and lobbying activity of the organisation.

Head of Local Government Finance 
Paarthiban Srianjan 
Email: paarthiban.srianjan@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Head of Improvement 
Matthew Snelling 
Email: matthew.snelling@londoncouncils.gov.uk

LOTI helps boroughs work together to bring the best of digital and data innovation to improve public services and outcomes for Londoners.

Director: London Office of Technology & Innovation 
Eddie Copeland 
Email: eddie.copeland@loti.london

Transport and Mobility is responsible for all our services delivered directly by us and on behalf of the boroughs to Londoners and London organisations. This includes concessionary fares (the Freedom Pass), traffic enforcement and London European Partnership for Transport.

Transport Manager 
Andrew Luck 
Tel: 020 7934 9646
Email: andrew.luck@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Chief Contracts Manager
Kalpini Dave
Email: kalpini.dave@londoncouncils.gov.uk

Corporate governance leads on business planning and performance management, and on maintaining London Councils’ formal institutional relationships with the Greater London Authority and the Local Government Association. The Governance Support Team is responsible for the central administration of all London Councils' committee meetings. Corporate Governance is also responsible for Human Resources, Organisational Development, Complaints and Freedom of Information.

Head: London Regional Employers' Organisation 
Steve Davies
Tel: 020 7934 9995 
Email: steve.davies@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Corporate Governance Manager/Data Protection Officer 
Reuben Segal 
Tel: 020 7934 9803

Corporate resources is the division responsible for London Councils’ financial control and audit of expenditure, as well as maintaining the organisation’s internal support functions of HR, finance, facilities and ICT.

Chief Accountant
Richard Merrington 
Tel: 020 7934 9722
Email: richard.merrington@londoncouncils.gov.uk


Head: ICT & FM 
Roy Stanley
Tel: 020 7934 9799
Email: roy.stanley@londoncouncils.gov.uk

London Councils’ political advisers serve and support London local government and the members belonging to their London Councils party group. The political advisers are also the main point of contact between London Councils and other national/regional or local groupings of their respective national political parties.

Ekta Gohil
Tel: 020 7934 9502
Email: ekta.gohil@londoncouncils.gov.uk

Liberal Democrats
Daniel Houghton
Tel: 020 7934 9502
Email: daniel.houghton@londoncouncils.gov.uk

London Councils is currently recruiting a new Labour political adviser